Plein Air Painting (May 9, 16, 23 & 30)

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Tuesday May 9

5:30 PM  –  7:30 PM

(Class size is limited to 15)
Class instructor will supply all materials

This class is a way to create a "tool kit" for approaching the centuries old tradition of plein air painting (French for "in the open air"). Students will learn a variety of foundation techniques and tools, which will act as building blocks and skills to improve the painter's abilities while painting and drawing in open air. 

Course outline 
Week one:   Foundation techniques - small scale surface 
      Method- thumbnail tabs, finding compositions, sketching/washing in color
Week two:   Blocking in and value gauging- small scale surface
      Method- "squinting to see technique", blocking in large areas, picking out color climate/tonality
Week three: Adding information and working with time limits/ sunlight changes-option to work larger
       Method-  working from large to small areas. Mark making and impact with simplicity in brush choice
Week four:   Collective studies - option to work larger or on size of choice 
       Method- applying learned course techniques with open interpretation and freedom of abstraction and expression